Love the Music? Love the People: Moving Beyond Style to the Heart and Soul of Genre // Jess Baldwin
A call to action for voice teachers and music educators on behalf of BIPOC and all singers of popular musics.
Online Teaching Resources
If you need some help getting online teaching set up, here are some resources we've found.
Expanding the Circle: CCM and Popular Music in Higher Ed // Kat Reinhert
Contemporary Voice Specialist Kat Reinhert discusses her research and thoughts on CCM training and Popular Music Artist Development in higher education.
Coaching a Popular Music Ensemble: An Interview with Steve Holley
Jess chats with Popular Music Educator Steve Holley about his new book.
Commercial and Popular Music Degree Program Surveys
A summary of data gathered in the Commercial Music Degree Surveys conducted by Jess Baldwin, Kat Reinhert, and Matt Edwards in 2017.
A Call for Student Opportunities
How can we provide peer connection, adjudication, and competition opportunities for our young popular and commercial singers?
The APME Conference: A Voice Teacher's Experience
Jess Baldwin shares her experience at the 2017 APME Conference.
Sheet Music Learning Alternatives: HookTheory // Jess Baldwin
Jess discusses ways she teaches music theory to students in popular and commercial genres.
Popular Music in Education: An Interview with Kat Reinhert
Kat Reinhert talks about APME and gives us a glimpse into the life of someone who teaches and performs in popular and commercial genres full-time.
Creating a Middle School Choir Rock Concert with Jeff Costello
Middle school choir director Jeff Costello shares some tips for putting together your own school choir rock concert.