find your artistic voice

Join Artist Coach Jess Baldwin and five more open-hearted creatives just like you for 9 months of incorporating more of who you are into your projects.

You’ll be getting clearer about who you are, what you have to say, and how you want to say it in your artistry and creativity.

How will this course help me incorporate more of myself into my art?

For this work, you need a supportive, transformative space to bring ideas forward, practice different approaches to your creations, and get compassionate support from your fellow singers.

A Singer’s Guide to Finding Your Artistic Voice

My Singer’s Guide to Finding Your Artistic Voice will be the main content for the course. It’s a workbook that helps artists get clearer about themselves using coaching questions, exercises, and project ideas. It was created after several years of helping singers who were feeling confused about their artistic identity (many of them being voice teachers who realized they didn’t actually want to sing classical music anymore).

I’ll walk you through exercises designed to help you clarify your goals, your project ideas, and your reasons them. We’ll also explore your overall values.

You’ll complete various music, photo, and video projects that will help you learn more about yourself, and that you can share with fans if you wish.

You can request a preview of the workbook here.

Practice & Feedback

You’ll practice creating things that highlight who you are as you know yourself now, and you’ll get kind, caring, clear feedback from me and your fellow artists about how it’s actually coming across.

I consider this one of the most valuable parts of the course.

Ideas & Brainstorming

The group will be an amazing resource of ideas for you as you explore different approaches and projects.

Online Forum

You’ll check in on each other between sessions via our private forum.

Meeting Parts and The Self

Every creativity book talks about forces that seem to be preventing our creative work in some way.

In The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron calls it fighting your Inner Critic.

In The War of Art, Steven Pressfield says you’re fighting Resistance.

I’m partial to the way Internal Family Systems refers to and works with these forces, so I’ll be using the IFS framework to talk about them. I love the way IFS befriends these forces rather than seeing them as the villains of our creativity story.

Behind all of those Parts is what we’re all truly looking for: The Self…the creative, clear, confident being in the seat of our consciousness who can courageously lead our creative journey.

Your Investment


  • A commitment to caring for and honoring your inner artist throughout the course.

  • A commitment to connecting with and supporting your fellow artists throughout the course.


  • 2-hours every other week for our online meetups

    • Fridays 2pm-4pm ET

    • Aug 30 2023 - May 8 2024

    • Holiday Break

    • 18 meetups total

  • 2-5 hours every week for projects and exercises on your own

  • 4 individual sessions, 2 each semester

  • Check-ins every couple days in our private online forum


  • $3625 paid in full

    • or 10 monthly payments of $380

If you’re a singer who is also a teacher, a coach, a helper, a healer, a caretaker, a people-pleaser, an empath, this course is for you.

As beautiful as helping, healing, and caretaking can be, if you learned to do those things in order to feel safe and loved and valued, I can pretty much guarantee that there are parts of you that you were taught to abandon in order to take care of others. And if you’re like most of my clients, some of those abandoned parts are inner artists and creators.

One tough thing the clients that I work with learn is that no amount of helping artists can replace the time they need to spend with their own inner artist. That part needs its own time and space and money and love. This course is just for that purpose. It’s just about you.

And if you’re like most of my clients, you probably have some parts popping up right now telling you that spending time and money on that inner artist is a waste. That you should spend it on your students or your business or your family or social justice instead.

Those parts are your learned self-abandonment in action. Thankfully, those parts can heal and change their narrative.

It is never a waste to invest in the joy and creativity of an individual, including you. If you don’t give this to yourself, no one else will. No one else is coming to rescue your inner artist. That is your job and your job alone.

I’d love to help you reconnect with the abandoned inner artist within you that cannot wait to show you all of the wonderful things you’re going to create together.

What People Have to Say About The Experience

“I knew I’d get something out of this, but the wonderful people and the fullness of this experience I could not have expected. If you want to reconnect, revive, and even resuscitate your artistic self, this is a fabulous starting block!”

- Adam
collegiate vocal instructor & independent studio owner

“This was one of the best self-development experiences I have attended. Jess created a beautiful space and safe container for all of us to explore our dreams, aspirations and unique artistic styles. She is an authentic, grounded and extremely compassionate and supportive coache! I would do it again and again!

- Kelly
independent artist

“I would have been able to be so much further along if I’d had this type of guidance and conversation when I was beginning to think of what my life could be like as the artist I need and want to be. I loved the honest discussion, active challenging of ourselves and held beliefs both known and unknown, and real, actionable guidance on how to take next steps towards understanding, defining, and becoming.”

- Michelle
independent artist

“Jess provided an amazing outline of self-exploration to help singing artists of all levels find their creative potential! It was also led in a very nurturing, non-judgmental and encouraging virtual space. I was lucky enough to not only gain insights and confidence in my singing/artistry, but in my life as well!”

- Janice
independent artist & church musician

“The safe space created by Jess was amazing. It enabled everyone to share and be vulnerable enough to enable some real revelations. The engagement by all participants was through-the-roof and the connections were special.”

- Wayne
independent musician and voiceover artist

“The most valuable part of the workshop was the sense of confidence I gained. I have a clearer vision of who I am as an artist and where I am on the journey. Incredible experience.”

- Joe
independent artist

At the end: “Do we have to leave?”

- Elaine
independent artist and teacher