Guiding Singers to Themselves
Jess Baldwin, Apr 26 2024
for Clare McLeod’s Contemporary Voice Ped Course, Berklee School of Music
Ask what they want.
Levels of Autonomy (Will vary with each question you ask.)
Assertive (Sunny): They know what they want and can tell you. Great! Help them do it!
Exploratory (Cloudy): They want to make a choice, but they’re not sure what the choices are. Offer choices. Then help them do it.
Hesitant (Foggy): They aren’t ready to make a choice. Lead them until they rise to exploratory or assertive level.
Tip: You can put a chart in your studio with the different levels so students can point to or say the one they feel like as you ask that question.
Say back to the person what they said to you. “I’m hearing you say…” “Let me reflect that back and see if I understand you…”
If they need to clarify or correct your reflection, say the new clarification back to them.
Keep doing this until you see evidence that they feel seen and heard.
Reflection Tool: Naming Parts.
“It sounds like a Part of you wants this and a Part of you wants this.”
“It sounds like a Part of you likes this and a Part of you likes this.”
Reflect what you notice in them. Especially…
What their strengths are
What lights them up
What their patterns are
Things they seem to be drawn to
What sparks their curiosity
What naturally elicits play and fun for them
When they seem confident
When they seem present
When they are being compassionate and patient with themselves
Some related stuff you might like:
This Instagram post about authenticity and Parts
This blog about artist authenticity and the fear of being misunderstood
This blog about positive influence vs. psychological manipulation by voice teachers